WP5 Researching Climate Change Perceptions of Exposed Professions


How do farmers, winemakers and other agricultural professions perceive creeping climate change? What emotions does it raise in them? Do they feel respected, heard and appreciated?

To find answers to these questions, the CIDAPE Work Package 5 team carried out the first part of the planned fieldwork research in the South Moravia region of Czechia. During walk-along interviews along Moravian fields and wineries in scorching heat, the team learnt about challenges the farmers face.

The findings are yet to be processed, but they promise to enlighten us about how specific professions that experience climate change impacts more than anyone else, perceive the challenges this change brings. The first part of this field research is to be supplemented by similar studies in other EU countries, giving voice to those that often feel left behind, and illuminating the ways how to approach them.

© Michal Kolmaš