Janina Hahne
© Janina Hahne
Janina Hahne
Janina Hahne is a predoctoral researcher at the University of Valladolid and a doctoral student in Spanish Linguistics, Literature, and Communication. In the WP3 and together with Florencia García-Rapp, she focuses on the ethnographic insights of online communication around climate change in Spanish, German, and English-speaking communities. At the Freie Universität Berlin, she graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology and combined seminaries about environmental and medical topics with field insights. Her qualitative master´s thesis with the title "People, Plants, and More-Than-Human Power: Contemporary Applications of Ancestral Shuar Medicine in Rural Ecuador" is based on three months of field research in the Ecuadorian Amazon, which was promoted by Promos.
Email: jhahne@fundacion.uva.es
human-nature-relations | climate change communication | qualitative methods | medical culture | anthropology