Ipek Demirsu
© Ipek Demirsu
Ipek Demirsu
Ipek Demirsu is a postdoctoral researcher at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Florence/Italy). She is part of WP6 working with Prof. Manuela Caiani in conducting go-along interviews with local farmers that bring together ethnographic and narrative insights, as well as deliberative focus groups in different areas of Italy on citizens' perceptions of climate protest events. As such, her contribution to the project lies in her experience and expertise in qualitative research methods. She has previously undertaken various research projects investigating social movements, youth political and civic participation, urban ethnography, migration studies, identity politics, and the tension between security and human rights. Among her contributions to various academic journals, she is also the author of the monographs Counter-terrorism and the Prospects of Human Rights: Securitizing Difference and Dissent published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2017, and The Hostile City of Love and Antibodies of Hate: Urban Contestations of Identity and Belonging published by Brill in 2024.
Email: demirsuipek@gmail.com