Paola Imperatore

© Paola Imperatore

Paola Imperatore is a research fellow at the Department of Political Science at University of Pisa. Her primary research interest is in environmental conflicts, social movements, political ecology, climate and labour. She is currently working on ecological transitions with a focus on grassroots actors. Her works have been published in several academic journals such as Acta Politica, PACO, Italian Political Science, Contemporary Italian Politics and many others. She has recently published two books: "Territori in Lotta. Capitalismo globale e giustizia ambientale nell'era della crisi climatica" (2023) [EN: Territories in Struggle. Global capitalism and environmental justice in the era of the climate crisis] and, with Emanuele Leonardi, "L'era della giustizia climatica: Prospettive Politiche per una Transizione Ecologica dal Basso" (2023) [EN: The Age of Climate Justice: Political Perspectives for an Ecological Transition from Below].She has been invited to discuss her research on climate governance, social movements and labour in many conferences in Italy and abroad.